The Women's Democratic League (WDL) of Frederick County was founded by 200 newly franchised women on October 4, 1923.
The underlying mission of the WDL is to educate and involve Democratic women in the political process and advocating for equality under the law for all people. The WDL is also committed to community service, reaching out in support of organizations that provide for Frederick's neediest of citizens.
The WDL has a long history of reaching out to other groups within Frederick County to build partnerships that reflects the values and diversity of the Democratic Party.
Our Mission
JOIN the Women's Democratic League
Membership is open to all registered Democrats.
Our membership year runs from January to December.
Join or renew now and your membership will be good through December 31.
Dues are $30 per year, and can be paid online or by mail.
To pay online using PayPal or a credit card, click on the gold Donate button.
To pay make a check payable to the Women's Democratic League Mail to WDL, PO Box 3317, Frederick, MD 21705.
New WDL Members!
Shelly Beaird-Francois
Lois Jarman
& Heatherly Hodges
Samantha Van Rens
Communications Director
Tammy O'Connor
Maureen Grayzeck
Tami McNulty